Dogecoin is a fun, new and rapidly growing form of digital currency. This form of digital currency is called "cryptocurrency"; a type of digital currency. Cryptocurrency is completely anonymous, decentralized, and extremely secure.

Who created Dogecoin?

Dogecoin was created by programmer Billy Markus from Portland, Oregon and Jackson Palmer from Australia.

Is this like Bitcoin?

Yes it is but it is coded as a branch of the Litecoin family of digital cryptographic currency, it improves upon Bitcoin. The Coinpursuit site explains in more detail:
SHA-256 and Scrypt are the two most common algorithm systems used by cryptocurrency miners in order to authenticate blocks of transaction data. The system used, unfortunately, is not up to the miners; it's set by the developers of a given type of currency. When you go to cryptocurrency discussion boards and forums, you'll find there's a vigorous debate between the two algorithms. We'll look at the two types, and the arguments being made for and against them.

Before jumping into that, however, let's talk hash in a little more detail. The term refers to complex mathematical computations that are required in order for successful mining to take place, and you'll often see "hash rates" listed along with hardware created for digital currency mining. The higher the hash rate required for successful mining, the longer and more difficult the process will be for miners; this is expressed as the "hash difficulty" of a given type of currency. Here are some of the hash rate abbreviations you'll see, and what they mean:

    KH/s: Kilohashes per second, or one thousand hash computations per second
    MH/s: Megahashes per second, or one million hash computations per second
    GH/s: Gigahashes per second, or one billion hash computations per second
    TH/s: Terrahashes per second, or one trillion hash computations per second
    PH/s: Petahashes per second, or one quadrillion hash computations per second

When you start counting in the quadrillions (that's a one followed by fifteen zeroes, or 1,000,000,000,000,000), you're talking about almost incomprehensible numbers-and that many computations will take some serious machinery, well beyond the capability of desktop and laptop computers. Generally speaking, once the hash difficulty is up in the GH/s territory or higher, the energy, time and resource dedication required can become prohibitive for many individual miners. As a result, they'll need to consider either application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs), which are chips and dedicated units that exist solely for mining purposes and can be attached to existing computers, or separate high-power mining machines altogether.

As hash difficulty increases, so do the hash rates required in order to successfully mine coins. This highlights the main difference between the SHA-256 and Scrypt cryptocurrency mining algorithms.

SHA-256 is the more complex of the two, and it's used by Bitcoin and most of the currencies based upon its code. Data block processing with SHA-256 tends to be slower-transaction turnaround times, as a result, are measured in minutes as opposed to seconds-but it's argued that it's also more thorough and leaves less room for error. Its advocates also say it's better for overall data security. Successful mining of coins using SHA-256 often requires hash rates at the gigahashes per second (GH/s) range or higher; this means it's generally more difficult for individual miners to use; those who do often employ an ASIC or some other separate computing device set up to perform only mining tasks. Since some miners can't devote a machine-or at least an ASIC-to the task of mining, they often join mining pools (we'll discuss those in the next section).

Scrypt is the quicker and more simple algorithm of the two, and as new digital currencies are being introduced, more of them are favoring it over SHA-256. Scrypt is much easier to run on an already-existing CPU, and tends to use up less energy than using SHA-256; as a result, it's favored by most individual miners. In comparison to SHA-256, Scrypt's hash rates for successful coin mining generally range in the kilohashes per second (KH/s) or megahashes per second (MH/s) areas of difficulty, which can be achieved with regular computers without the need of ASICs or other hardware. Some argue this simpler system is more susceptible to security issues, since fast transaction turnaround times can mean the system is taking a less thorough look at the data. Its advocates point out, however, that hasn't as of yet presented a real-world problem.

Over time, hash difficulties for the more popular currencies that use the SHA-256 mining algorithm-such as Bitcoin-are expected to rise; this may very well restrict the mining of such currencies to mining pools or individual miners who can devote hardware, energy and time to the process. As as result, it's expected that digital currencies which use Scrypt will see a comparable rise in popularity, based upon the ease of mining alone.

How can I buy Dogecoins?

The most efficient way to buy Dogecoin is on a Dogecoin market, similar to a stock market. You can watch the current buy and sell orders as time goes on and study the charts. More information about markets can be found further on in this guide. Examples of Dogecoin markets include:

    Cryptsy ( cryptsy.com )
    Kraken ( kraken.com )
    BTER ( bter.com )

A more convenient way to buy Dogecoin is to use a debit or credit card, or an online service such as Paypal or Google Wallet. If you use one of these methods, the price will be marked up a bit from the market price, but the convenience is often worth it. Be smart, and only work with reputable sellers! Examples of sites to buy Dogecoin with credit/debit/online wallets:

    WeSellDoges ( weselldoges.com )
    LocalDogecoin ( localdogecoin.com )
    The Dogecoin market subreddit ( reddit.com/r/dogemarket )

NOTE: For some of the sites listed on this page, you may have to verify your identity first for legal purposes, so make sure you follow all of the site's rules and regulations.

How do I store my Dogecoins safely?

Offline wallets are by far the safest way to keep your currency. With digital currency, no one controls your money except yourself. Download the official software and store your Dogecoin safely and securely.

After downloading the wallet of your choice, make sure you back up your files on a USB drive or external hard drive. After you back it up, never delete the wallet.dat file!

The Dogecoin official wallet is available in two formats: Core, and Lite. The only difference between the two is that the core wallet downloads the entire record of all transactions made between Dogecoin wallets, and the lite wallet only downloads the most recent part of the record. Visit dogecoin.com for directions to download.

Platforms available to host a wallet:


You can also store your coin in online wallets for ease and quick access. It is an option, and sometimes a trusted option, but you no longer hold the safety of your coins in your own hands. Be as safe as you can!

NOTE: Make sure that you are using the most recent version of the Dogecoin wallet software. You can find announcements of new versions at reddit.com/r/dogecoin .

Why use Doge?

Dogecoin is used with a wallet on your computer, your smartphone, or a website. You can use it to buy goods and services, or trade it for other currencies (both other cryptocurrencies or traditional currency like US dollars).

One of the most popular uses for Dogecoin is "tipping" fellow internet-goers who create or share great content. Think of it as a more meaningful "like" or upvote, with real value that can be used all across the internet.